How to Be an American Housewife
A Novel
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Audiobook Overview

Digital Audiobook
Run Time
7h 50minFrom an author who “has created wonderful characters who never, in spite of hardships, stop finding ways to love each other” (Luanne Rice): When World War II ends, Shoko leaves home with her new husband, an American soldier. Decades later, her daughter Sue arrives in Japan to reckon with the past her mother left behind… Performed by dual narrators.
Publisher Description
How to Be an American Housewife is a novel about mothers and daughters and the pull of tradition. It tells the story of Shoko, a Japanese woman who married an American GI, and her grown daughter, Sue, a divorced mother whose life as an American housewife hasn’t been what she’d expected. When illness prevents Shoko from traveling to Japan, she asks Sue to go in her place. The trip reveals family...